Welcome to Stream. If you’re reading the public version of this consider checking out our careers page. We’re currently hiring for Go roles of entry to principal/director levels.

Stream is an API for building chat, live video and activity feeds. We power thousands of apps and reach over a billion end users. Apps like Strava, Nextdoor, IBM, Adobe and Patreon rely on our tech.

As we scaled the team, the importance of excellent onboarding became quite clear. It always felt a little strange to me that most sales teams have excellent onboarding and engineering teams typically don’t.

This 10 week Go onboarding program covers a few different topics:

During this onboarding we work in a group and pick up a real project, the best way to learn is to combine the materials with actual work. Welcome, and let’s get started.

Onboarding Table of Contents

<aside> 💡 Some parts of this document refer to internal documentation requiring authentication


Week 1 - Go Basics

You’ll be surprised how easy it is to pickup the basics of Go. Go as a language aims to have less features, and instead focuses on simplicity, performance and compilation speed. The power of Go comes from having performance that’s close to C++/Rust, with developer productivity that’s close to Python/Ruby.

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